Wende’s Weekly


The next series of mindfulness and meditation classes will begin May, 2024. Sign up for notifications by submitting your email, below!

Say yes to yourself!

rest, let go of the day, and find peace.

When: TBD

Where:: ONLINE- Zoom Link HERE

Who: All are welcome. Come as you are. We will turn off our video so that we can turn our focus inward. Wende has been leading meditation circles since 2011. She has extensive training and a devotion toward holding space for Presence. Gentle guidance, as well as periods of silence will be offered to allow personal experience. We will finish with a metta prayer for wellbeing of self and others..

Come with a willingness to soften, relax and allow your stress to melt away. You then will experience the deeper calm and compassion of your true self.

Cost: FREE!

If inspired, gratitude gifts are appreciated by clicking the link here (Please make a note in the description it’s for “Weekly Meditation”):