Soul Collage®️ Workshop
This creative, intuitive process is a fun and easy way to EXPLORE, IDENTIFY, and EXTERNALIZE various parts of you, and develop a relationship with them that will bring you a profound sense of your true Self. Through this personal process of open-hearted inquiry, you’ll connect with and honor the personal, universal and spiritual support that’s here and available to you.
Our next workshop is happening February 10, 2024.. Subscribe below for more details or contact Wende!
WHAT IS Soul Collage®️ ?
SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice done individually or in community. Founded by Seena B. Frost, the method develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery, and provides personal guidance.
SoulCollage® meets you wherever you are on this journey called life. You don’t have to be an artist to make SoulCollage® cards. Anyone can create and enjoy this powerful practice.
WHat happens during the workshop?
In preparation for a Soul Collage®️ workshop, you need to cut out and collect images from magazines, photo albums or other sources. The images should be ones you are drawn to for various reasons. You may love the image, or dislike it. It may intrigue you or disgust you. Cut it out and save it in a box or folder, even if you aren’t yet clear about its importance. Then, bring it with you to the workshop. At the workshop, you will be given blank 5”x 8” mat-board cards, scissors, glue and access to hundreds more images. I will teach you about the history, philosophy, mindset and intuitive process of making a card, and then how to “listen” to the gifts of wisdom that your card has to offer you. We will have an opportunity to share our cards in pairs, and again in the larger group, but this offering is always optional. The cards you make are for you. They will offer you amazing surprises for years to come. As you make more and more cards, you will begin to see the bigger picture of your life, its meaning and it’s purpose, and gain greater appreciation for your true self.
If you are an IFS therapist/practitioner, this process facilitates self-energy, and is a visual way to interview a part of you, witness the part and/or introduce it to a polarized part. There are many IFS informed activities and techniques that will be shared. This process is especially effective for learning more about your responsible, helper, therapist parts! It’s a heart-centered, fun way to discover, explore and connect with internal and external wisdom, that you can’t access from the thinking mind.